What Drives Employee Performance?

Unlocking employee performance goes beyond mere happiness. Discover how motivation, leadership, work structure, and team dynamics intertwine to drive productivity. Explore tailored psychometric insights to elevate your team's potential.

The Essential Elements of Employee Productivity

In today’s corporate landscape, the equation appears straightforward: happy employees equal productive employees. Productivity is typically measured through aspects such as task management, meeting sales targets, and process management. But what truly drives employee performance, and why do many organisations find it difficult to harness this potential?

At JobMatch, our dedicated team of experts applies a bespoke approach to psychometric testing. We believe in avoiding classifications and instead assess each individual and situation on its own merits, taking into account a myriad of influencing factors.

Employee performance is influenced by several elements, all of which we analyse through our psychometric assessments. While not every company integrates these tests into their HR and recruitment strategies, they provide in-depth insights that can deepen your understanding and enhance employee performance.


Uncovering the Factors that Drive Performance

1. Motivation

Motivation can differ significantly among employees. What motivates one person may be utterly demoralising for another. Our psychometric test reveals that some individuals flourish through continuous development and mental engagement, while others are driven by the achievement of specific goals. For some, creative freedom is a motivating factor; for others, a structured environment is essential.

2. Leadership

Employees respond uniquely to different leadership styles. It’s not solely about the style itself, but how leaders engage with each individual. The effectiveness of feedback, work structures, and relationship-oriented approaches can vary widely. Some team members thrive on personal interactions to feel secure and successful, while others prefer clear suggestions and guidelines. Often, a blend of both is necessary, and psychometrics can help determine the optimal balance.


3. Work structure

Work structures are influenced by industry standards and company culture, ye they should also align with employee preferences. Teams may underperform if the established structure does not suit their working styles, and this issue can be difficult to rectify. While structures often reflect the nature of the industry and company culture, it is beneficial to consider the preferences of your employees and working teams. Sometimes, targets are missed simply because the organisational framework does not accommodate how your team functions best.

4. Team dynamics

Team dysfunction is frequently a primary cause of diminished employee performance. At JobMatch, we’ve discovered that the issue is not always among team members. By identifying and addressing clashing points, teams can adapt, leaders can gain insights, and necessary changes can improve overall collaboration.

Although many factors influence employee performance, pinpointing individual needs can be a complex task. While our tests provide a comprehensive view of work-related skills and behaviour, while the aforementioned considerations serve as valuable guidelines for analysing team dynamics. These insights allow for a deeper exploration of what genuinely drives employee performance.

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